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Yoga Classes in Waupaca Wisconsin

Artha Yoga Class Reading 1/15/19

150 150 arthaadmin

“All the suffering, stress, and addiction comes from not realizing you already are what you are looking for.” — Jon Kabat-Zinn

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Artha Yoga Class Reading 1/8/19

1024 768 arthaadmin

“The miracle of self-healing occurs when the inner patient yields to the inner physician.” ― Vernon Howard

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Artha Yoga Class Reading 12/18/18

150 150 arthaadmin

  “Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior. People are simply unique, incomparable.” — Osho

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Artha Yoga Class Reading 12/11/18

120 212 arthaadmin

 “Youth is not a time of life; It is a state of mind . . .  it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.” — Samuel Ullman  

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Artha Yoga Reading 12/4/18

150 150 arthaadmin

“At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.” — Lao Tzu

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Artha Yoga Reading 11/27/18

150 150 arthaadmin

“Energy like you has no beginning and no end. It can never be destroyed. It is only ever shifting states.” — Panache Desai  

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Artha Yoga Reading 11/15/18

588 1024 arthaadmin

If we are peaceful If we are happy We can smile and blossom like a flower And everyone in our family Our entire society will benefit from our peace ~Thich…

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Artha Yoga Reading 11/1/18

150 150 arthaadmin

You ask why I perch on a jade green mountain? I laugh but say nothing my heart free like a peach blossom in the flowing stream going by in the…

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Artha Yoga Reading 9/25/18

1024 768 arthaadmin

“Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.” ~ George Bernard Shaw

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Artha Yoga Reading 9/11/18

150 150 arthaadmin

Metta of Loving Kindness May you be filled with loving kindness May you be well May you be peaceful and serene May you be happy, safe and grateful

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