Monthly Archives :

January 2020

Artha Yoga Reading 1/28/20

150 150 arthaadmin

We can be Knowledgeable with other men’s knowledge, but we cannot be wise with other men’s wisdom.  ~Michel de Montaigne

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Artha Yoga Reading 1/21/20

150 150 arthaadmin

We have five senses in which we glory and which we recognize and celebrate, senses that constitute the sensible world for us.  But there are other senses – secret senses,…

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Artha Yoga Reading 1/14/20

1024 684 arthaadmin

Talking is like playing on the harp; there is as much in laying the hands on the strings to stop their vibration as in twanging them to bring out their…

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Artha Yoga Reading 1/7/20

1024 716 arthaadmin

“The heart is the place where we live our passions.  It is frail and easily broken, but wonderfully resilient.  There is no point in trying to deceive the heart.  It…

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