About Yoga

Jill Bolte Taylor: A Stroke of Insight and Our Brains

150 150 arthaadmin

Fascinating stuff. And very useful and inspiring to not only those recovering from neurological disorders, but also psychological ones. Click here to read more….

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Yoga Helps Stroke Victims Improve Balance

150 150 arthaadmin

Yoga helps stroke victims New research from a US university suggests that a regular yoga practice may be beneficial for people who have suffered a stroke. Click here to read…

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83-Year-Old Yogi Teaches 11 Yoga Classes Week

150 150 arthaadmin

See the article on this amazing yoga teacher.

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Chanting the Sound of OM

150 150 arthaadmin

Om(pronounced “aum”)is a mantra or vibration often chanted 3 times at the beginning and 3times at the end of a yoga class. But what does that chant mean? “Om” is…

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