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Bob Ramlow is honored by MREA

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Artha Sustainable Living Center llc The Midwest Renewable Energy Association will be planting a tree on the Avenue of Advocates in Bob Ramlow’s honor this year, on Sunday June, 20at…

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Artha Yoga Studios June 2010 Newsletter

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Artha Yoga Studios June 2010 Newsletter

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May 25th, 2010 Artha Yoga Class Reading

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Lowell E. Wrigh By the curious arithmetic of love, the more we share, the more we possess; the more we willingly give, the more we multiply.

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May 18th, 2010 Artha Yoga Class Reading

150 150 arthaadmin

Unknown You are ruled by everything until you understand the power in doing nothing.

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May 11th, 2010 Artha Yoga Class Reading

150 150 arthaadmin

by Melissa Rosenquist All Things Change a Puddle …so calm transforms into Vapor …so mysterious which becomes a Cloud …so swollen then forms Raindrops …so invigorating that sprinkle down to…

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Artha Bed and Breakfast the Antithesis of Lace Doilies

150 150 arthaadmin

“antithesis of lace doilies” Artha Sustainable Living Center Bed and Breakfast is simple and green. We want to give people a place where they can stay that is peaceful, quiet,…

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Solar Works for Me, You, and the Whole U.S.A

150 150 arthaadmin

Solar Works for Me, You, and the Whole U.S.A   Running a business in this economy isn’t easy. That’s why I’m glad we’re in the solar industry as a solar thermal educator…

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Out Standing Aumnus Award 2010

150 150 arthaadmin

Bob Ramlow received the Outstanding Alumnus Award 2010 from the College of Natural Resources of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. Congratulations Bob!

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May 4th, 2010 Artha Yoga Class Reading

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 Class Reading from Artha Yoga Studios George Bernard Shaw A life spent making mistakes is not only morehonorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. …

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Econundrum: 12 Most Pesticide-Laden Fruits and Veggies — By Kiera Butler | Mon Mar. 22, 2010 2:30 AM PDT

150 150 arthaadmin

From Mother Jones: At my local farmer’s market, organic avocados cost as much as $2 a pop. Yet I can sometimes find the conventional version at the supermarket for half…

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