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Artha Yoga Reading, May 22, 2013

150 150 arthaadmin

With each breath I send energy to my whole body. My breath influences my state of mind. I alone am responsible for how I breathe. Breathing deeply, I let go…

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Artha Yoga Studios May Newsletter

144 108 arthaadmin

Artha Yoga Studios May Newsletter Summer Practice is Good for You! Summer is almost here and it’s a good time to renew or continue your yoga practice. Yoga opens the…

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Artha Yoga Reading, May 14, 2013

150 150 arthaadmin

Your deepest roots are in nature. No matter who you are, where you live, or what kind of life you lead, you remain irrevocably linked with the rest of creation.…

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Artha Yoga Reading, May 7, 2013

150 150 arthaadmin

With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or…

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Artha Yoga Reading, April 30, 2013

150 150 arthaadmin

The enemy is fear. We think it is hate, but it is fear. Gandhi

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Artha Yoga Reading, April 23, 2013

150 150 arthaadmin

Every day brings a choice: to practice stress or to practice peace. ~Joan Borysenko

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Artha Yoga Reading, April 16, 2013

150 150 arthaadmin

The trouble is, you think you have time. ~ Buddha

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Artha Yoga Reading, April 9, 2013

150 150 arthaadmin

I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. ~ Martin Luther King Jr

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Artha Yoga Reading, April 2, 2013

150 150 arthaadmin

To wander in the fields of flowers pull the thorns from your Heart.

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Artha Yoga Reading, March 19, 2013

150 150 arthaadmin

In our ability to think about something differently lies the power to make it different. ~ Marianne Williamson

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