Artha Yoga Updates

Artha Yoga Reading 1/09/24

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“The more grateful we are, the more connected we become to the universe around us.” – Stephen Richards

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Artha Yoga Reading 1/4/24

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“Having contentment and gratitude in the present moment is the surest way to achieve success.” – Bryant McGill

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Artha Yoga Reading 12/26/23

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“This is our life, in this moment: this one breath.” ~ Sharon Salzberg

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Artha Yoga Reading 12/19/23

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“When I rise up, let me rise up joyful like a bird. When I fall, let me fall without regret like a leaf.”― Wendell Berry

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Artha Yoga Reading 12/12/23

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”The beauty of the trees, the softness of the air, the fragrance of the grass speaks to me. The summit of the mountain, the thunder of the sky, the rhythm…

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Artha Yoga Reading 12/5/23

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“Friendship with oneself is all important, because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.” ~  Eleanor Roosevelt

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Artha Yoga Reading 11/18/23

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Metta of Loving Kindness May you be filled with loving kindness May you be well May you be peaceful and serene May you be happy, safe and greateful

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Artha Yoga Reading 11/14/23

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“Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.” ~ Lao Tzu

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Artha Yoga Reading 11/07/23

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“The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Artha Yoga Reading 10/31/23

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“Find the courage and conviction to fearlessly act with compassion in all areas of your life.” ~  Unknown

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