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June 2024

Artha Yoga Reading 7/1/24

150 150 arthaadmin

“In our daily life if we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind…

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Artha Yoga Reading 6/24/24

1024 716 arthaadmin

“You are the gardener of your mind and you are sowing seeds every moment of the day with the thoughts that you think and the actions you take. The seeds…

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Artha Yoga Reading 6/17/24

150 150 arthaadmin

 “At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.” Lao Tzu 

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Artha Yoga Class Reading 6/10/24

150 150 arthaadmin

“May we live like the lotus, at home in the muddy water.” The Buddha

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Artha Yoga Class Reading 6/03/24

150 150 arthaadmin

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned.” The Buddha

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