Artha Yoga Studios May Newsletter
Summer Practice is Good for You!
Summer is almost here and it’s a good time to renew or continue your yoga practice. Yoga opens the mind, strengthens the body and helps to ready you for a fun-filled summer. You might be tempted to skip your yoga practice this summer, but you will surely regret it come fall. Commit to your health with a routine yoga practice and you will be a better friend, partner and parent. Your yoga practice can be simple, just a pose or two a day with a weekly yoga class for consistency. Commit to spending a few minutes each day consciously breathing. You can simply observe your breath or practice pranayama (yogic breathing). This will help you relax, stay focused and enjoy the summer. We offer many classes and workshops to suit your needs and availability. Lay the groundwork now for a healthy body mind and spirit, learn specific poses, to keep your practice dynamic, fresh and inspiring. Read More…..